Charles R. Taylor
Charles R. Taylor is the John A. Murphy Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing at Villanova University. Additionally he is Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Marketing and Public Policy Research at Villanova. He served as President of the American Academy of Advertising in 2005 and has served on the American Marketing AssociationÕs Marketing and Society SIG Board of Directors. Dr. Taylor received his Ph.D. in Marketing from Michigan State University. His primary research interests are in the areas of advertising regulation, outdoor advertising and signage research, and international marketing issues. Taylor has been appointed to be a Fulbright senior specialist by the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars.
Professor Taylor serves on the editorial review boards of several academic journals, including the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, which is published by the American Marketing Association, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, and Psychology and Marketing. He is a member of the American Marketing Association, American Academy of Advertising, Academy of Marketing Science, and American Council on Consumer Interests.
Professor Taylor has published numerous academic articles and book reviews in outlets including Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Current Research and Issues in Advertising. These include several articles on outdoor advertising and signs in the following outlets: Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing (2), Journal of Consumer Marketing, and Journal of Macromarketing.
Professor Taylor has testified to the U.S. House of Representative on the topic of the impact of outdoor advertising on business. He has also served as an expert witness in signage cases, including Harris County Outdoor Advertising v. City of Houston, Clear Channel Communications v. City of Myrtle Beach, Lamar v. City of Vicksburg, and Borden Park, L.P. v. City of San Antonio.
John C. Kozup
Professor John C. Kozup is the Director of the Villanova University Center for Marketing and Public Policy Research as well as an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Villanova University. Professor Kozup's research interests lie in the area of marketing and public policy issues, topics related to corporate social responsibility and ethics from the consumer's perspective, and information processing characteristics of consumers. His work has appeared in such journal outlets as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Consumer Policy, and the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Professor Kozup has also presented his work at various professional conferences and published his work in the conference proceedings. These include the American Marketing Association's Marketing and Public Policy Conference, the Association for Consumer Research, and the American Marketing Association's Winter Educator's Conference.